My Story
Hi, I'm Lauren and I'm a previous member of The Wide-Awake Club! I'm a mum of 2 toddlers and a fur baby. I have a fascination with baby sleep after my own journey and I founded The Wide-Awake Club to empower other parents to realise that parenthood doesn't have to mean compromising on good sleep.
We welcomed our daughter into the world in 2019. From day one we found her to suffer badly with gas and would scrunch her legs up in pain when laid on her back. We now know it was likely down to a tongue tie causing feeding issues, but this had contributed to an anxiety that she had to be held or to suckle to get to sleep. As she got older and the colic improved, the feeding to sleep continued and whilst initially it wasn't a problem we began to notice more night waking and early rising. My mental health and that of my partners took a hit when these wakes became an hourly occurrence.
We finally reached out for help when our daughter was 7 months old, and we were two grumpy, tired people in the midst of Covid Lockdown. It was the best thing we ever did. We went from having a baby who spent most days crying because she was so tired, but then barely slept at night- to a little girl who was happy and thriving. Our family was better for it, we had our evenings back and we began to repair.
My son was born in 2021. It was like Ying and Yang; we couldn't believe how different our children could be. Our little girl would resist sleep at every turn, but here this little boy would sleep anywhere, anytime. But that didn't mean we didn't have a new sleep challenge. What had worked wonders for our daughter didn't work for our son and as he got older, I soon learnt that he needed a little extra support in getting to sleep. What I learned was invaluable, and it lighted a fire inside me that encouraged me to train as a sleep consultant to help parents in the same position we were in. I know first-hand the effects of sleep deprivation, and I truly believe there are solutions for every family. I also know every child is different and what may work for one, might not for another. That is why I take a personal effort to get to know you as a family, your parental values, your baby's temperament and your sleep goals.
It would be lovely to hear from you,
Lauren x